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Managing Work Shifts

Brief Description

This workflow describes the steps for:

  • Trading an existing shift
  • Browsing other shifts that have been put up for training
  • Requesting to drop a shift
  • Adding a shift in the Genesys system

Trading an Existing Shift

Select the Activity tab from the top menu.

Go to your schedule by selecting the View full schedule button or by selecting the Schedule tab.

Select the Shift Trades icon in the upper right corner.

Select the New Trade drop-down menu.

Select an option that you would like to perform from the New Trade drop-down list. For this article, the Trade option was selected.

NOTE: Trading allows an agent to put their shift up on a marketplace for other agents to pick up or switch shifts with you. You can do so by selecting a shift eligible for trading.

Select the shift that you want to trade by selecting the right arrow icon beside the shift.

Select a person with whom you want to trade with in the Trade With section.

Indicate the dates that you are willing to take someone’s shift in the Willing to Accept section.

Define the time range and expiration date.

Select the Submit button.

A notification displays that the shift trade has been added.

Go to your schedule to view your pending request in the My Trades section.

Browsing Available Trade Requests

Select the Shift Trades icon from the schedule view, in the upper right corner.

Select the New Trade drop-down menu.

Select the Browse Trades option.

Select a trade from the list of trades available for the week.

Select the Trade button.

Dropping a Shift

Select the Shift Trades icon from the schedule view, in the upper right corner.

Select the New Trade drop-down menu.

Select the Drop option from the New Trade drop-down list.

Select a shift that you want to drop by clicking the right arrow icon beside the shift.

Select the Request Drop button.

A notification displays that the drop shift request has been successfully added.

Adding a Shift

Select the Shift Trades icon from the schedule view, in the upper right corner.

Select the New Trade drop-down menu.

Select the Add option from the New Trade drop-down menu.

Select a shift if there are any shifts that meet your criteria.

Video Walkthrough

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